No T774 and T664 Eco-Tank refill inks from InkTec UK
Compatible with Epson ET-3600 / ET-4550 / ET-16500 Eco-Tank
Suppliers of Formulated Eco-Tank Refill Ink for refilling Epson Ink tanks
Is Eco-Tank Printing ok for me?
An improved version of Epson's ink and developed for the
latest generation of inkjet professional printers, Epson Eco-Tank ink is one
of the most important advances made in printing. Achieving superb color expression
on a variety of media is made possible by an increase of the density of the
ink, which also provides for a much wider range of media support.

Tel: 01578-730477
Tel: 01578-730478
Mobile: 07740 37 88 24
Whatsapp: 00447740378824
ProPrint - InkTec UK
Stow Mill Stow Galashiels TD1 2RB
All Brand Names & Trademarks are acknowledged | E&OE Prices may vary
without notice